How to Install a Dehumidifier in A Gun Safe

How to Install a Dehumidifier in A Gun Safe

Your gun safe and shooting gears should be protected from moisture If you live in an area with high humidity.
This is because excessive moisture damages your shooting gears and reduces their durability.

In this case, you can use this dehumidifier model to keep your gun safe and the weapons safe. Dehumidifiers protect your items from moisture in all weathers.

In this article, we will show you how to install a dehumidifier to protect the gun safe from humidity.


Check the humidity level around your gun safe before installing a dehumidifier. Check to see if a manual is provided with the product to assist your shooting gear. And make sure you’re doing all this work on a dry surface.

Steps to install the model:

  • Keep the model horizontally inside the gun safe. And keep it as low as possible at the beginning.
  • Most gun safe has pre-drill holes in the rear area. However, if there are no pre-drill holes, you may need to drill. Basically here you can put the wire.
  • Now install the electric cord through the wall. And push the end of the cord outwards through the safe wall.
  • Install the mounting clips to hold the dehumidifier rod. And mount the rod with the clip.
  • Now to attach the clips and fasten the safe’s hinges. Screw the clips. And make sure the rod does not interfere with any hinges.
  • Now snap the rod into the mounting clips. And remove the back cover of the plug housing.
  • The rod should be secured. In that case, you can secure the rod using prums.
  • Now run the cord up to the plug housing.
  • Close the housing cover and lock the cord inside the plug housing. Finally, plug the dehumidifier rod into the power outlet.
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There are a few things you should consider when installing a dehumidifier to avoid accidents.

  • Dehumidifiers are used inside the gun safe. So the model should be avoided outside use.
  • Protect your dehumidifier, cord, and plugs from water or other liquids.
  • Use of dehumidifier in the presence of explosives or flammable fumes.
    should be avoided.
  • Dehumidifiers should not be used if the cord is not usable.
  • Plug the product while operating.
  • Unplug the dehumidifier when you install the device.
  • Do not use any other plugin the dehumidifier.


The amount of dehumidifier you will use depends largely on the size of your gun safe. If you have a large number of guns stored in a safe, you may need to use two or more dehumidifiers.

In this case, you should check the humidity level around your gun safe.

First, measure the humidity before installing the dehumidifier. Then install the model and check the humidity level again. This will let you know how many dehumidifiers you need after fitting the shooting gear.


Dehumidifiers remove water or moisture from the air. And it is highly effective in removing moisture from the surroundings of the gun safe.

It removes moisture from your safe interior, and it is completely dry.

Your gun safe is made of metal, so it can rust if exposed to moisture for long periods of time.

Using a dehumidifier protects your Safe from moisture and rust. Dehumidifiers are great for extending the life of a product.

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A dehumidifier is necessary to keep dry the interior of the gun safe and to keep the shooting gears in good condition.


There are usually two types of dehumidifiers.

  • Silica gel.
  • Rod model.

Silica gel does not require electricity to use. And it can keep anywhere in your gun safe. Silica gels absorb moisture from the air and keep products dry. You have to replace these gels in 2-3 weeks.

On the other hand, Rod models are electrical devices that warm the air inside the gun safe and help keep the gun safe free from moisture. The rod model allows you to use the goldenrod for a long time.


The purpose of using a dehumidifier is to absorb the internal moisture in your gun safe and warm the air. So to make the dehumidifier more effective, you should consider the best place to keep the dehumidifier.

Usually, there have different types of dehumidifiers. So considering the type and functionality of the model, then you Should place it in your gun safe.

If you use silica gel you can keep it anywhere in the safe, And its effectiveness does not change.

And dehumidifier rods should be kept on a safe floor. The rod model is used through electrical connections so it should be checked if it has a power supply to install.

If your gun safe is long in size, you can place the device interior the guns and under the racks.

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