How to move a 2000 pound safe

How to Move a 2000 Pound Safe (Easily & Safely)

Often gun safe owners are concerned and wonder “How to move a gun safe?”

The gun safe is usually designed to provide superior protection to your gun and other items. And now most consumers prefer a gun safe. These safe weighs 2,000 pounds or more and are not portable. Basically, most gun safes are designed to be permanently installed.

But many times it is necessary to move, or this safe becomes necessary to move when you are going to change your house.

So you should know the right and risk-free ways to move the heavy-weight gun safe. If you are unaware and do not master the right strategies for successful results, you and your property may be harmed.

In this article, you will find possible techniques and tips for safe transfer of a 2000 pound gun safe. So let’s take a look.

Create the Right Strategy to Move the Gun Safe:

You will definitely want to move the heavy-weight gun safe safely and successfully, So you should have an active and reliable plan. Because you will not be able to complete the task successfully unless you make a plan and develop strategies.

So think about each step before starting the activity.

How to Move a 2000 Pound Safe?

You can move a heavy gun safe in two ways:

  1. By a professional.
  2. By yourself.


1. Transfer Gun Safe with A Professional Mover:

If you want to transfer the safe in an easy and risk-free way, it would be best to hire a professional mover. Because they are experienced in making safe moves of huge size and weight, So you will be free from injury, risk of theft, and damage to property.

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Hire a Professional Mover:

You make a plan to Move a safe by hiring a mover. Now your first task is to find a professional skilled, experienced mover. You can browse the internet and contact an experienced mover near your area.

There Are Several Important Things to Consider Before Move a Gun Safe by A Mover:

  • Take out all the ammunition that in your gun safe. And make sure there are no combustible items left.
  • Discuss insurance and related policies with a professional when moving to safe.
  • Inform the professional about the correct weight of the gun safe. And make sure there are no illegal items in the safe.

2. Move the Gun Safe by Yourself:

Above you know that moving your heavyweight safe is a good and reliable option to move with a professional mover. But if you want to move the safe by yourself, it can be risky.

However, if you know the effective tips to move 2000 pounds by yourself, then you can reduce the risk.

Here are some tips to move a 2,000-pound safe by yourself.

Preparing to Move a Gun Safe:

Since it is risky to move the heavyweight safe by yourself. So you have to take some preparation to avoid the risk.

  • Close the door and lock the gun safe.
  • You will need 2/1 more people with you to do this process. So, fix your friends or relatives.
  • Remove the surrounding items on the path that may get in the way.
  • Analyze the dimension of gun safe and look for suitable tools. That means you need a rope or towing strap and dolly to move it. Dolly you can rent from a moving company.
  • Before moving, remove the gun and all the items inside the safe. This will reduce the weight of the safe.
  • Wrap the safe with a blanket. And wrap the blankets with packing tape.
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Move a Safe Into the Dolly:

Make sure you have completed all the above tips. Now you need to transfer safe in the dolly. So align the dolly to your side next to the safe. And ask the helper to stand on the other side of the safe.

  • At this stage, slowly lean back on the dolly and slide the dolly under your gun safe.
  • Now place it on the dolly with the help of a rope or straps.
  • Finally, tilt the rear wheel of the dolly. And while removing the dolly, keeping it safe, and balancing it.
  • Be careful when removing the dolly. Don’t rush, and make sure it’s safe to hit a wall.
  • Beware when going up or down on the stairs.

Load the Truck Safely:

At this stage, the truck has to be loaded the heavyweight safe with. It is best to use the standard loading ramp for safe lifting in the car.


Moving a 2,000-pound gun safe is not easy, and you need to make sure that you and your belongings are safe while doing this activity. Otherwise, you may be at risk.

If you don’t know the right way to move a 2,000-pound gun safe, you won’t get successful results.

So in order to assist you, we have described in this article How to move a 2000 pound gun. So, Follow the steps above and safely move your gun safe.

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